Mythical Beasts
Photo Shoot
0 January 29, 2003 Blair 0
Hey, fan[atics]! We had a photo shoot over Winter Break and I finally got around to putting up some of the photos! So enjoy our beautifulness.
Amazing Frolf Story
0 December 2, 2002 Max 0
So there I was... my Frisbee class is having the final game of its disc golf tournament and we're on the last hole up by only one stroke. My team only has two people there today, the other guys have 4. We're playing best disc and the other team has got the best player on their team. His name is Ross and he has one of those frolf bags with like 30 discs. Like I said, we're on the last hole and only up by one stroke. The last hole is a doobie. The whole right side is out of bounds and I've been hooking my discs right for the last couple months. I haven't thrown an in bounds throw on this hole for at least my last 8 games. The other team throws first. Ross (the amazing kid) sends a disc flying. This kid can throw far and he does now. He lands one about 35 feet from the hole. You couldn't ask for a better drive from amateurs like us. My teammate goes next. He hooks one to the left. It's still 150 ft from the basket. As we're playing best disc, all the weight is on my shoulders.... Another one on their team goes and doesn't get it all that far, but that doesn't matter because they'll be playing Ross' sweet toss. So there I was... trying to visualize a good shot and keep all the negative thoughts out of my head. I haven't thrown any really long drives all game. I take my usual practice run and then set myself. I throw... the disc flies through the air with a vengeance. It is hungry for the basket. My throw is perfect. It's strait and on target. It's a little to the left of the basket and cuts back right towards those chains of destiny. So, I land within 30 ft. on this really hard hole. Sadly the battle is not over. My team throws our putts, we're just out of range to make it. We're close enough that the next put is a gimmie. The other team throws (all four of them). They have four chances to make one shot, we had two. With hearts pounding we watch the first three miss their puts. Then comes Ross. He's a great all around player so he knows how to putt really really well. He stands there going through the motions of putting at least five times just to make us more nervous. Finally, he squares up and releases... chink! The sound of plastic crashing into chains cuts through the air. Lo! The disc only catches the chains as it sails past the basket and into the abyss of loserdom! We win, by one stroke! Whooo!!!
I wanna be in Jeffries Fan Club
0 November 2, 2002 Kyle 0
And the new best find....i don't know how I missed this gem. Jeffries Fan Club. Check them out, bask in the glory that is them, rest due to the immense exhilaration that they give you, then listen once again.
This Just In
0 October 15, 2002 Blair 0
We just got a special announcement from the Associated Press:

Kyle Leaves Soggy Mess
Happy Birthday Kyle
0 October 3, 2002 Blair 0
Today, our awesome drummer turns the big 1-7! He is so grown up! Yay, Kyle!
Song Lyrics Online
0 September 24, 2002 Blair 0
The lyrics for all of our songs, yes, all seven of them, are now up for you to read! I even translated Tapáme so that everyone can enjoy it. With college starting, it will be harder to keep adding and updating things, but I will see what I can do. Also check out the random section for the old "Adventures of Max and Blair" comics. Also, be sure to check out the Photo section, because we put up some pictures of the band!
Work In Progress
0 September 15, 2002 Blair 0
Ahoy! I am still working on getting everything running on our brand new website! Finally got the news posting up and running. Still have to work on basically everything else, but we'll tell you as things begin to work!
All rights reserved, 2002.