Mythical Beasts
 BIOS Blair Casey Kyle Max

Name: Casey "Rapheal, mongoose, Mr. T, Case" Malloy
DOB: November 2, 1984
Birthplace: Columbus, WI... that's right, Columbus, WI... represent
Current Habitat: The Slum that is the Malloy House in Tosa
Weapon of Choice: Mind Bullets
Favorite MB Song: Nerf Prom
Favorite Band(s): Jeffries Fan Club, Incubus, Flogging Molly, Rage
Favorite Movie: Mystery Science Theater 3000
Favorite Color: khaki
Favorite Video Game(s): Metal Slug 1,2,3
Transportation: car usually or other peoples' cars
Pets: a lazy, fat, white lab that sleeps all day
Hobbies: frisbee, paintball, tv, bingo, MB
"Day" Job: loser
I want to be a(n): writer for MST 3K
Availability: not
All rights reserved, 2002.