Mythical Beasts
 BIOS Blair Casey Kyle Max

Name: Kyle Peter
DOB: October 3, 1985
Birthplace: Brookfield, WI
Current Habitat: The Grove
Weapon of Choice: just wicked sweet drums
Favorite MB Song: the enchirito, your mom one
Favorite Band(s): Reel Big Fish, 311, Yellowcard!, Jeffries Fan Club
Favorite Movie(s): The Natural, TMNT 1+2
Favorite Color: Blue or Green or Greenish Blue or Bluish Green
Favorite Video Game(s): Tecmo Super Bowl (NES version)
Transportation: 100,000 mile Bonneville
Pets: Shadow
Hobbies: frisbee, driving trains
"Day" Job: YMCA Camp Minikani...kind of a summer
I want to be a(n): Engineer, yea the one that drives trains
Availability: hey ladies
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