Mythical Beasts
 Nerf Prom << BACK 
lyrics tab bass tab drum tab music video
We wrote this song about our dream
To have a prom that was a scream.
We just had to have a Nerf Prom.
And I even asked my dear mom.
She said it has to be okayed.
But our dream would never fade.

(One. Two.) Chorus
It's a special material, not found on earth.
It's a special material, the kids call it nerf.
It was my childhood dream,
come on play nerf with me.
Have a blast. Have a ball.
Nerf Prom for one and all!

So, we told the prom committee.
The favor was itty bitty.
Its fun to dance with the ladies,
But that would be just like Sadies.
What good is a post prom good for
If you can't have a Nerf War!

(Ein. Zwei.) Chorus

Some say nerf at prom will not fly.
I say to them, "you're gonna die."
If some girl says Nerf is stupid.
I'll shoot at her just like cupid.
Nerf guns to all and a good night.
We'll have ourselves a nerf fight!

(One. Two. Two hits of the drum. Ah! Ah! Ah!)
All rights reserved, 2002.